Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kristie & Jeremy {Engagement}

Kristie and Jeremy are the kind of people that are infectious to be around. They are so upbeat and positive and that positivity projects through everyone that they come around. Kristie and Jeremy were my first engagement shoot...ever. Kristie giggled as she said she was a little bit nervous right before we started our session. Maybe she was feeding off of me. I was practically shaking in my boots...well, my flip-flops, at least!!! I am so glad that this particular couple was my "first".

We met in Buffalo Gap at the Historic Village. What a beautiful day...and what naturals they were in front of the camera! We went to about 10,000 different places around town and ended our marathon session at Kristie's parents' house nestled in a beautiful cove on Steamboat Mountain (it's more like a really big hill, but, hey, you take what you can get in West Texas...we'll make a mountain out of a molehill any day). This is where I had the pleasure of meeting Hudson, the super cute family dog. As the sun set on the horizon, Kristie pulled her shoes off and enjoyed a first-class piggy-back ride via the Jeremy Express. Oh what fun to be loved!!!

Here are some of my favs from the session. Kristie and Jeremy, I can't wait to document your wedding day!







